Capteurs, transducteurs

N ° de pièce Fabricant La description Séries Caisse d'emballage
E3T-FD11 Omron Automation and Safety SENS OPTO 5MM-30MM PREWIRED FLAT E3T
E3T-FT11 Omron Automation and Safety FLAT 50CM THRU-BEAM LIGHT-ON NPN E3T
E3T-ST11 Omron Automation and Safety OPTO SENSOR XMITTER/RCVR 1METER E3T
E3T-SL11 Omron Automation and Safety SENS OPTO REFL 5MM-15MM CH MOUNT E3T
E3S-GS3E4 Omron Automation and Safety PHOTOELETRIC SENSOR 1.18" NPN E3S
E3FA-DN11 2M Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,0.1MDIFF,AX,NPN,PW E3FA
E3T-FD13 Omron Automation and Safety SENS OPTO REFL 5MM-30MM WIR FLAT E3T
E3Z-T61-D 2M Omron Automation and Safety DETECTOR OF PES E3Z
E3Z-D62 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 1M PREWIRED MOD E3Z
E3T-FT12 Omron Automation and Safety FLAT 50CM THRU-BEAM DARK-ON NPN E3T
E3T-CD11 2M Omron Automation and Safety 3-5MM DIFFUSE CYL L/ON NPN E3T
E3Z-FTP11 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR THRUBEAM RED PNP 2M E3Z
E3Z-FTN11 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR THRUBEAM RED NPN 2M E3Z
EE-SPW311 Omron Automation and Safety PHOTO REC/TRANS/1M DIST/DARK ON -
E3T-FT13 Omron Automation and Safety PHOTO MINI FLAT THRU PNP DARK-ON E3T
E3T-CT12 Omron Automation and Safety 1M T-BEAM CYL D/ON NPN E3T
E32-A04 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENS FIBER 340MM THRU-BEAM 2M E32
E3Z-FTN21 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR THRUBEAM RED NPN M12 E3Z
E3FA-RP11 2M Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,RETRO4M,AX,PNP,PW E3FA
E3Z-D61 Omron Automation and Safety SENS OPTO REFL 5MM-100MM WIR MOD E3Z
EE-SPW321 Omron Automation and Safety PHOTO REC/TRANS/300MM/DARK ON -
E3K-R10K4 Omron Automation and Safety SENS OPTO REFL 10M BRACKET MOD -
E3FA-DP11 2M Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,0.1MDIFF,AX,PNP,PW E3FA
E3FA-RP21 Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,RETRO4M,AX,PNP,CONN E3FA
E3FA-RN11 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PHOTO RETRO 4M NPN E3FA
E32-TC200 Omron Automation and Safety CABLE FIBER OPTIC THRU BEM M4 E32
E3Z-FRN21 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR RETRO RED NPN M12 E3Z
E3Z-FDN17 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR DIFFUSED RED NPN 2M E3Z
E3Z-FRN11 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR RETRO RED NPN 2M E3Z
E3Z-FRP11 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR RETRO RED PNP 2M E3Z
E3Z-FRP21 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR RETRO RED PNP M12 E3Z
E3FB-RN12 2M Omron Automation and Safety BRASSM18,CORETRO0.5M,AX,NPN,PW E3FB
E3C-S10 Omron Automation and Safety SENS 10CM INFRARED LIGHT T-BEAM E3C
E3FB-RN11 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PHOTO RETRO METAL 4M NPN E3FB
E3RA-DP22 Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,0.3MDIFF,RAD,PNP,CON E3RA
E3RA-DN13 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PHOTO DIFF 700M NPN E3RA
E3RA-DN12 2M Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,0.3MDIFF,RAD,NPN,PW E3RA
E3RA-DN21 Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,0.1MDIFF,RAD,NPN,CON E3RA
E3RA-DN22 Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,0.3MDIFF,RAD,NPN,CON E3RA
E3FA-VN11 2M Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,FF,50MM,AX,NPN,PW E3FA
E3FA-BN11 2M Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,TRANS,0.5M,AX,NPN,PW E3FA
E3FA-LN11 2M Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,BGS,0.1M,AX,NPN,PW E3FA
E3FA-BP21 Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,TRANS,0.5M,AX,PNP,CON E3FA
E3FA-LP11 2M Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,BGS,0.1M,AX,PNP,PW E3FA
E32-CC200 Omron Automation and Safety CABLE FIBER OPTIC AMPLIFIERS E32
E3FA-TN11 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PHOTO THRU STRAIGHT NPN E3FA
E3FA-TP11 2M Omron Automation and Safety PLSTCM18,TB20M,AX,PNP,PW E3FA
E3RB-DP23 Omron Automation and Safety BRASSM18,0.7M DIFF,RAD,PNP,CON E3RB
E3RB-DN22 Omron Automation and Safety BRASSM18,0.3M DIFF,RAD,NPN,CON E3RB