Sensores, transdutores

Parte NO. Fabricante Descrição Series Caso de pacote
E3S-RS30E42-30 5M Omron Automation and Safety SENS OPTO REFL 300MM PREWIRE MOD E3S-R
MC47WS-KT-1000 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1000MM *
E3S-2E41-44 Omron Automation and Safety PHOTO 25CMSD 15 DIR A E3S
MC47WS-KT-825 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 825MM *
MC47WS-KT-800 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 800MM *
E3C-LD11 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENS HEAD SPOT BEAM DIFFUSE REFL E3C
E32-T16J Omron Automation and Safety SENS FIBER AREA 11MM SIDEVIEW E32
E3S-CR11 5M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR LONG RANGE 3M NPN/PNP E3S
E3Z-LL61-M1J 0.3M Omron Automation and Safety LASER BGS SD 20-300MM WIRE 0.3 E3Z
E3S-R2B42 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENS OPTO REFL 100MM-2M PREWIRED E3S-R
F39-A01PG-PAC Omron Automation and Safety F39-A01PG-PAC *
F39-A01PY-PAC Omron Automation and Safety F39-A01PY-PAC *
E3JU-D2P4-M1-2 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL 2M CONN MOD E3JU
E3S-AT21-M1J 0.3M Omron Automation and Safety 7M NPN HOR ALARM CONN E3S-A
MC47WS-KT-1050 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1050MM *
MC47WS-KT-1100 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1100MM *
E3G-ML79T-G Omron Automation and Safety CONVRGNT2M E3G
E3G-ML79 Omron Automation and Safety DIATANCE SETTING RELAY OUT E3G
E32-A03 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENS FIBER 890MM THRU-BEAM 2M E32
E3T-ST12-U2R Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PHOTOELECTRIC E3T
MC47WS-KT-1125 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1125MM *
E3S-CT11-4 5M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PHOTOELECT CUSTOM 4.5M E3S-C
MC47WS-KT-1201 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1201MM *
MC47WS-KT-1200 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1200MM *
E3Z-LL61 0.5M Omron Automation and Safety LASER BGS SD 20-300MM WIRE 0.5 E3Z
E32-A09 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR FIBER OPTIC 2M E32
E32-T121F 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR FIBER FLEXIBLE 2M E32
E32-A03-1 1M Omron Automation and Safety SENS FIBER 890MM THRU-BEAM 1M E32
MC47WS-KT-1275 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1275MM *
MC47WS-KT-1300 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1300MM *
E32-D16 Omron Automation and Safety SENS FIBER LONG DIST LARGE LENS E32
MC47WS-KT-1350 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1350MM *
MC47WS-KT-1425 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1425MM *
MC47WS-KT-1400 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1400MM *
MC47WS-KT-1501 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1501MM *
MC47WS-KT-1500 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1500MM *
MC47WS-KT-1575 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1575MM *
E32-D12F Omron Automation and Safety SENS FIBER CHEM-RESIST 6MM DIAM E32
E3C-LR12 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR OPTO REFL CHASSIS MOUNT E3C
E3C-LD11 6M Omron Automation and Safety E3C SENSOR HEAD SPOT BEAM 6M E3C
E3C-LR15 Omron Automation and Safety PHOTO SENSOR HEAD E3C
E3C-LR11 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENS HEAD SPOT BEAM COAX RETRO E3C
MC47WS-KT-1600 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1600MM *
MC47WS-KT-1650 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1650MM *
PA46-1-000-X-TK1 Omron Automation and Safety SPARE TRANSMITTER *
PA46-1-000-X Omron Automation and Safety SPARE TRANSMITTER *
E32-T16W Omron Automation and Safety SENS FIBER AREA 30MM THRUBEAM E32
E3C-LD21 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENSR OPTO REFL 30MM-1M CH MOUNT E3C
E3C-LD31 2M Omron Automation and Safety SENS HEAD AREA BEAM DIFFUSE REFL E3C
MC47WS-KT-1725 Omron Automation and Safety MC47 WELD SHIELD 1725MM *