
Parte NO. Fabricante Descrição Series Caso de pacote
M22-FR-6A Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 6VAC LED ROUND RED M22
M22-FW-12A Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 12V LED ROUND WHITE M22
M22-FW-6A Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 6VAC LED ROUND WHITE M22
M22-FY-6A Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 6VAC LED ROUND YEL M22
M2CJ-90A1-24ER Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR RECT RED PNL MNT M2C
M16-TG-24D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 24V LED ROUND GREEN M16
M16-TR-24D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 24V LED ROUND RED M16
M16-TW-24D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 24V LED ROUND WHITE M16
M16-TY-24D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 24V LED ROUND YELLOW M16
M22-CG-6D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 6VDC LED SQUARE GRN M22
M22-CR-6D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 6VDC LED SQUARE RED M22
M22-CW-6D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 6VDC LED SQUARE WHT M22
M22-CY-6D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 6VDC LED SQUARE YEL M22
M22-FR-T2 Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 220V INCAND RND RED M22
M22-FY-T2 Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 220V INCAND RND YEL M22
M2CJ-90A1-24EY Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR RECT YELLOW PNL MNT M2C
M22-FY-T1 Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 110V LED ROUND YEL M22
M2CT-90A1-24EG Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR ROUND GREEN PNL MNT M2C
M2CT-90A1-24ER Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR ROUND RED PNL MNT M2C
M2CT-90A1-24EW Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR ROUND WHITE PNL MNT M2C
M2CT-90A1-24EY Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR ROUND YELLOW PNL MNT M2C
M2SA-90A1-24SG Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR GREEN SQUARE 24V -
M2SA-90A1-24SR Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR RED SQUARE 24V -
M2SA-90A1-24SA Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR BLUE SQUARE 24V -
M2SA-90A1-24SPW Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR P WHITE SQUARE 24V -
M2SA-90A1-24SW Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR WHITE SQUARE 24V -
M2SA-90A1-24SO Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR ORANGE SQUARE 24V -
M16-AA-12D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 12V LED SQUARE BLUE M16
M16-AA-24D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 24V LED SQUARE BLUE M16
M16-JA-12D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 12V LED RECT BLUE M16
M16-JA-24D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 24V LED RECT BLUE M16
M16-JA-5D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 5V LED RECT BLUE M16
M16-TA-12D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 12V LED ROUND BLUE M16
M16-TA-24D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 24V LED ROUND BLUE M16
M16-TA-5D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 5V LED ROUND BLUE M16
M22-FY-24A Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 24V LED ROUND YELLOW M22
M2SA-90A1-24SY Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR YELLOW SQUARE 24V -
M165-AA-12D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 12V LED SQUARE BLUE M16
M165-AA-24D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 24V LED SQUARE BLUE M16
M165-AA-5D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 5V LED SQUARE BLUE M16
M165-JA-12D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 12V LED RECTANG BLUE M16
M165-JA-24D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 24V LED RECTANG BLUE M16
M165-JA-5D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 5V LED RECTANG BLUE M16
M165-TA-12D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 12V LED ROUND BLUE M16
M165-TA-24D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 24V LED ROUND BLUE M16
M165-TA-5D Omron Automation and Safety PILOT LIGHT 5V LED ROUND BLUE M16
M2SJ-90A1-24SG Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR GREEN REC.24V -
M2SJ-90A1-24SR Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR RED REC.24V -
M2SJ-90A1-24SW Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR WHITE REC.24V -
M2SJ-90A1-24SPW Omron Automation and Safety INDICATOR P WHITE REC.24V -